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METAL-ROOS is an Australian metal music community.



What does METAL-ROOS do?


METAL-ROOS' aim is to bring together different actors of metal (fans, bands, organizers) by offering a common platform. The main presence of METAL-ROOS is the webpage which is supported by a Facebook page and a Twitter account. At the website METAL-ROOS is building a comprehensive list of (Australian) metal bands. The website also offers reviews of metal albums and news about upcoming albums, shows, tours and happenings. These sections offer metal bands to present themselves to the community while the Fanclub is going to be a place of interaction and exchange. There are more plans about what METAL-ROOS is doing in the future. But for now METAL-ROOS develops the band presentation sections as well as the Fanclub. Stay tuned for more ;-)



Background and Vision of METAL-ROOS


The idea of a Australian Metal Fanclub was born, when Michael, the founder, came to Australia. He is German and has been living for some years in Ireland. In both countries he always was part of a strong and active metal community. So, the first thing he missed in Australia was his local metal pub.

He decided to bring together metalheads into a fanclub and build a metal community. The community not only should bring metal lovers together but also give newcomers locations to meet other metal heads; METAL-ROOS should be a kind of social network for metal heads. Of course, it took some time to get this plan into action and some other ideas were developed along this project. So now METAL-ROOS was not only focussing on the fans but also on the other side of the metal business: bands and whoever was involved in presenting metal (promoter, producer, manager etc.). So METAL-ROOS is now developing a more holistic community - for all parts of the metal community - because without the fans, the bands are incomplete, but in the same way, the fans are nothing without the bands. METAL-ROOS is aiming to support both sides.

How can you participate in METAL-ROOS?

If you like the ideas, support us in return and be part of our community. Visit our pages, write reviews, send news or band details, join our fanclub (once open), meet us at concerts, sign bands from our list or buy something in our shop (again, once open). Just do something you like and which is connected to metal. Keep the metal strong! ;-) \m/