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Working hard and furiously since the later months of 2011 unbeknown to the public eye, the Brisbane boys of Caetera have defined and crafted their sound to which they believe will engrave them into the Metal scene.


In mid 2011 after the breakup of previous bands Adrian and Alex decided to get together once again and start writing. Within weeks of beginning the process they turned to long time friend and vocalist Phil O'Brien to fill the frontman position for what was becoming. The fourth member, Jackson Price, came into the lead guitarist role in mid 2012 completing the bands lineup.


With everything in place, the time had come to officially announce themselves to the metal scene. What better way to achieve that than to proudly sponsor Bloodline Festival 2013. With the band set to release their 2 track LP at Bloodline Festival 2013.


The 2 track demo was recorded through Tall Poppy Productions with Nathan Woodrow heading up the recording and mixing of the cd.


The band, after very positive feedback on their studio video for "Eviscerate" approached Dave Blackley of Her Name Is Murder Productions to film the music video to Caetera's 2nd track "Insania". The clip was filmed in early June 2013 and are currently awaiting and deciding on a release date for the clip.


The Rest Is Coming.



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Band members:

Phil O'Brien - Vocals
Adrian Rosa - Guitar
Jackson Price - Guitar
Alex Brierley - Bass


Based in:

Brisbane, QLD