Vincent is a cult, led by a charismatic yet stern
messiah known as Vincent. Members of this cult are required to
abandon the physical realm and dehumanize themselves. Methods for
the dehumanization process include adopting the name of Vincent as
there surname, partaking in mind altering drug experimentation and
communal living .
The dehumanised "Vincent" is by no means Sub-human in anyway,
rather, once complete "Vincent-dom" is achieved, subjects actually
report having new found abilities, both psychic and physical.
Possession of such extraordinary attributes, suggest members of
this cult are a level above base human beings making them
superhumanoids or, as they are affectionately known within the
cult, Ultra Vincentoids.
Cosmic beams are transmitted (from ancient extra dimensional
deities) directly to their pineal glands. Strict Vincent family
members are able to articulate, in the form of music, sacred
messages received from the high rulers of the Ultra plane.
Resulting in songs created by the gods themselves, which are
actually aliens, otherwise known as greys.
As they are only here for a short time, It is vital for mankind to
listen to (and buy) everything Strict Vincent releases, failure to
do so will result in an extinction level catastrophe.
So you have two choices listen to Strict Vincent or burn in the
nuclear storm while the boys smoke cones safely aboard
theirMother-ship heading home for Zeta Reticuli, satisfied in the
knowledge they did all they could.
What do you choose?
All that is, occupies now (coming up)
Have never really fallen into one scene but it's in the realm of Death, Experimental, Metal. |
Band members:
Aramis - Drums
Ben - Vokill's
Macca - Guitar
Mat - Bass
Hayden - Guitar
Based in:
Melbourne, VIC