Initially the sub-structure for Wölfe was created in the winter of 2005 on the southern continent of Terra Australis but due to the cultural exploration of western europe by half of its founding members the kernel was left un eaten until the re-uniting of its benefactors in 2009.
The core beliefs of the terrorist group Wölfe can be understood as an amalgam of radical left anti-imperialist mixed with strong anti-patriarchal, and anti-racist elements but above all a strong general despise for all humanity. The group states that its participants are regular members of society, in contrast to the more elitist Red Army Faction, who stated that revolutionaries should truly be "underground" (outside the socio-political system). Structured differently from the above mentioned group, Wölfe are loosely organised into cells, making them much harder to capture. Its members remain "legal" – i.e., continue to operate from within society and even take part in the mainstream processes and organisations, a tactic which has led law enforcement agencies to refer to them at times as "weekend terrorists". In a press release the group stated that -
"The ethos 'revert the stupidity of the masses' can only come to arise through, at times, joining or 'getting behind' the masses in order to restructure their thinking".
The group commonly refer to themselves as 'Modern terrorists'
sitting 'aural terrorism' as a productive means to smear their
unrepentant disapproval for the stupidity of the masses. Hence the
consummation of the group.
Aural version of terrorism or audio horror, drawing sounds from black metal, crust, thrash and grind |
Band members:
Blight – Guitar & Bass & Vox
Dylan-Thomas - Drums
Brad WÖLFE - Live guitar
Based in:
Melbourne, VIC