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Metal Evilution @Valve Bar

14 June 2013


After weeks and weeks of posting band profiles on this website and listening to everybody's music via youtube etc. it was time to see the bands live.

Fortunately, Metal Evilution had a show at Tempe's Valve Bar with only bands whose profiles we already posted. So we went to see the Newcastle's thrashers Cerebral Contortion (profile), Temtris (profile) with her seductive singer from Nowra and the high-rated youngsters Gorefield (profile) who came all the way from Brisbane to present songs from their new album. The big finale was Sydney's Fenrir (profile) with Battle/Speed Metal at its best. We had already seen them at the UTS show in April but they seem to become better every time; the combination of metal and flute is so professionally arranged and presented.

All in all a fantastic show!